Tag Archives: ANEP

Education PPP – IDB, CAF and World Bank in Uruguay

Education PPP training Uruguay

Education PPP seminar

This October with Maria Jimena Cordoba from Castalia we provided a Education PPP training workshop for Uruguayan government agencies including Corporación Nacional de Desarollo (CND), Administración Nacional de Educación Pública (ANEP) and the Institute for Children and Adolescents (INAU) in Montevideo. The workshop covered international experience with Education PPP and management of  PPP contracts.

We also delivered a presentation on best practice in Education PPPs at a breakfast briefing event in Montevideo organised by the Inter-American Development Bank, the Development Bank of Latin America (CAF)  and the World Bank to promote the forthcoming Uruguay Kindergarten PPP project. 

Approximately 100 delegates from across  the Uruguayan PPP industry heard our presentation which described the Scottish experience of Education PPP over the last twenty years.

Government of the Republic of Uruguay

Working with Castalia Strategic Advisers and with support from the Inter-American Development Bank we advised the Government of Uruguay and Corporación Nacional para el Desarrollo (CND) on the development of financial and technical aspects of the Uruguayan early years education PPP programme.  This will create up to 60 kindergartens and family support centres to support the national poverty reduction and social inclusion policy.

Our responsibilities included project  financial modelling, international best practice studies and the development of bespoke technical documentation which drew on our extensive experience of PPP transactions and implementation.