Category Archives: School PPP

PPP in Scotland and Uruguay – APP en Escocia y Uruguay

Scotland and Uruguay have much in common including a strong ethic of equality and social justice.

As Uruguay begins a programme of school PPP projects, Martin Finnigan was invited by Sunny Sky Solutions to give his thoughts on what this charming Latin American country might earn from the Scottish experience.

Click here to read more.

Escocia y Uruguay tienen mucho en común, incluyendo una fuerte ética de igualdad y justicia social.

Mientras Uruguay comienza un programa de proyectos APP escolares, Martin Finnigan fue invitado por Sunny Sky Solutions a dar sus pensamientos sobre lo que este encantador país latinoamericano podría ganar de la experiencia escocesa.

Haga clic aquí para leer más.


Dumfries and Galloway Schools PPP – Operational Support

We have been reappointed to provide financial advisory support to Dumfries and Galloway Council for the operational phase of the Smarter Schools PPP project.


Stranraer Academy, refurbished and extended

This project was signed in 2008 and all eleven schools were operational by 2010.  The project was financed by a £127 million facility provided by HSBC and the European Investment Bank.

This reappointment continues our long relationship with the Council which spanned the project business case, tender preparation and evaluation, financial close, and project effectiveness assignments during the operational phase.

New West Calder High School Reaches Financial Close

West Lothian Council’s procurement of the new West Calder High School from hub South East reached Financial Close today, 14 December 2016.

This is the eleventh such Financial Close using the Scottish hub/DBFM PPP financing model that Caledonian Economics has advised on this year.

The new high school building has been designed to meet modern access requirements and support inclusion of pupils with additional learning needs in line with the ‘presumption of mainstream’.

The new location  will enable greater community access to the very high standard of facilities, particularly physical education facilities for community use outwith core school hours.


Education PPP – IDB, CAF and World Bank in Uruguay

Education PPP training Uruguay

Education PPP seminar

This October with Maria Jimena Cordoba from Castalia we provided a Education PPP training workshop for Uruguayan government agencies including Corporación Nacional de Desarollo (CND), Administración Nacional de Educación Pública (ANEP) and the Institute for Children and Adolescents (INAU) in Montevideo. The workshop covered international experience with Education PPP and management of  PPP contracts.

We also delivered a presentation on best practice in Education PPPs at a breakfast briefing event in Montevideo organised by the Inter-American Development Bank, the Development Bank of Latin America (CAF)  and the World Bank to promote the forthcoming Uruguay Kindergarten PPP project. 

Approximately 100 delegates from across  the Uruguayan PPP industry heard our presentation which described the Scottish experience of Education PPP over the last twenty years.

Latvijas Pašvaldību savienība (LPS), Latvian Association of Local and Regional Governments

Working with LPS, we delivered a half day seminar and web broadcast to around seventy representatives from Latvian municipalities and local government bodies.  The Webinar described the Scottish experience of PPP, its evolution to meet the particular social aspirations of the nation, and its relevance to other states of similar size and latitude.

Our Lady and St Patrick’s School – Financial Close

West Dunbartonshire Council’s new 1000 pupil Our Lady and St Patrick’s High School reached financial close on Thursday 31 March 2016.  The new school will be built and serviced by Hub West Scotland under a 25 year hub/DBFM/PPP contract.

We were West Dunbartonshire Council’s financial advisers on the project, advising on contract negotiations, financial model analysis and payment mechanism calibration.

Dumfries and Galloway Council – payment mechanism

We recently undertook a review of Dumfries and Galloway Council’s payment mechanism monitoring procedures for their Schools PPP programme.

Our work involved recalculating a sample of applicable deductions and a broader assessment of how their procedures worked in practice, noting any areas for improvement. We identified a number of potential efficiencies for the Council as a result of this review.

New Barrhead High School reaches Financial Close

East Renfrewshire Council’s new 850 pupil £25 million Barrhead High School reached financial close in March 2016.  The new school will be built and serviced by Hub West Scotland under a 25 year hub/DBFM/PPP contract.

We were East Renfrewshire Council’s financial advisers. Our role included analysis of the bidder’s financial model and funding structure, negotiation and calibration of the payment mechanism and liaison with the legal team to ensure a robust commercial solution.

Scottish Borders Council – Kelso High School

Scottish Borders Council’s replacement for Kelso High School reached financial close on 19 February 2016.  The new school for 850 pupils will be built and serviced by Hub South East Scotland under a 25 year hub/DBFM/PPP contract.

We supported the Council’s internal team throughout the process.   Our services included liaison with central government to confirm the financial support package, testing and interrogation of the commercial financial model, and liaison with the technical and legal team to ensure that the model, payment mechanism and contract were consistent and reflected the position agreed between the parties during the contract negotiations.


Newbattle High School reaches Financial Close

Midlothian Council’s new 1200 pupil Newbattle High School reached financial close on Friday 12 February 2016.  The new school will be built and serviced by Hub South East Scotland under a 25 year hub/DBFM/PPP contract.

We supported Midlothian Council’s internal team throughout the process.  Services included assistance with the ‘Key Stage Review’ submissions to government, analysis and interrogation of the financial model and its underlying assumptions, and liaison with the technical to ensure that the payment mechanism and termination clauses were in line with current practice.