Tag Archives: Aberdeen

Aberdeen City – New South of the River Secondary School

Contracts were exchanged yesterday between Aberdeen City Council and hub North Scotland for the construction of a  new £45 million 1400 pupil school to service the south of the city.  This is being delivered under the Scottish hub/DBFM/PPP commercial structure.

We have supported the council throughout the project’s development, first in 2013 by helping develop the Educational Benefit Statement which underpinned the decision to create a new school by closing and merging Torry Academy and Kincorth Academy, and more recently as the Council’s financial advisers.

In this latter role we advised the Council throughout the procurement, testing and analysing the financial model, checking it was consistent with the technical solution and the central government funding offer, and ensuring it was fully optimised and delivering value for money across a range of inflation scenarios.

This continues a long relationship with the Council. We advised on the procurement of the ‘3Rs’ schools PPP from 2004 onwards, and in 2011 we assessed options for educational provision in the north western part of the city.