
Edinburgh Centre for Carbon Innovation – our new home

On 1 February 2019 we will relocate to the Edinburgh Centre for Carbon Innovation.

This move places us within Edinburgh University’s hub of  knowledge and expertise in ‘low carbon’ policy, training and education. We will be working in the first listed building in the UK to achieve the BREEAM (building sustainability) ‘Outstanding’ certification, and we will be sharing this collaborative environment with University start-ups, Masters students and established organisations in the sector.

We are looking forward to developing partnerships where our knowledge of finance and economics in the infrastructure sector can be applied in low carbon initiatives in the UK and around the globe.  We are confident that our growth in Asian markets will be of value, and that our Directors’ personal involvement in community renewable energy schemes and low carbon housing projects will contribute to the wider objectives of ECCI.

From 1 February 2019 our address will be:

Caledonian Economics – Edinburgh Centre for Carbon Innovation – High School Yards – Edinburgh EH1 1LZ – Scotland, UK.